"Set against the sweeping landscapes of Seattle and Oxnard, this is an epic love story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between a struggling adjunct professor-turned-mama and swishy pair of charcoal gray Gap maternity pants who meet in the winter of 2011 while navigating the shoals of a difficult pregnancy. They unexpectedly forge an unorthodox yet lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love."
Professor: Maternity Pants, I can't quit you.
Maternity Pants: ...
Professor: Nine months is not enough.
Maternity Pants: ...
Professor: Seriously, it's like every day is Thanksgiving, now that you're in my life.
Maternity Pants: ...
Professor: I mean there was that time I tried to wear my pre-pregnancy slacks again, this morning, and, well, let's just say I'm yours forever, and no one else needs to know.
Maternity Pants: ...