Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ave Moose

Mathilde and I are sitting here in the early morning darkness contemplating the lit Christmas Tree. We are listening to Ave Maria and contentedly gnawing on Mortimer Moose (well, one of us is). It is amazing to think that in January 2011 we nearly lost this baby, and here we are today with a chubby, raspberry-blowing, joy-bundle. What a blessing this creature beside me is.

2011 was full of exciting events: the great anticipation of progeny, nearly nicked by a dynamic cervix and rescued by bedrest and weekly HP17 shots. We moved. We visited my family; my family visited us; D's family from Russia came and lived with us for a while. I taught 5 courses, revised and submitted one article, and delivered two conference papers. I finally read David Copperfield. Beer was brewed. Cakes were baked.

I am up way too early to write a long gratitude post, so let me just claim quiet contentment for now. My kid is getting restless.

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