Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mid-March Miscellany

It's the middle of March. Must be time for an update.

The 9-month sleep regression? As bad as they say.

This kid? As cute as can be.

To Do List (not in order of priority):

  1. Complete grades for ENG 200 by Sunday
  2. Compose scientific article for DAT study guide (freelance writing gig) Deadline? weekly
  3. Develop syllabus for ENG 2201, starting 3/28/12 (entails writing three scaffolded assignment sequences and course calendar, figuring out how to deliver course readings to students [goal: no book order]) Deadline? 3/28
  4. Begin VSAWC conference paper (entails working through archive of matrimonial advertisements from London Journal and reading relevant chapter in Jennifer Phegley’s new book) Deadline? 4/25
  5. Campus Interview Presentation: TBD (I’ve got nearly three weeks; I’m thinking Sensation Fiction, sensational fictions of marriage, a return to my book chapter on bigamy in England and polygamy in India) Deadline? 4/1
  6. Spring Cleaning and baby-proofing of home (we’re going to have a crawler/cruiser any day now) Deadline? Mathilde's choice
  7. Begin book review of Ian Ward’s Law and the Brontës (currently re-reading The Professor as preparation) Deadline? 5/1
  8. Format article for NCGS, plus fine-tuning and tinkering because I can’t keep my hands off it (but hurrah! My Mr. Meeson’s Will article will be published this fall!) Deadline? 5/1
  9. Work scheduled hours at other part-time job (for a little online shopping company you may have heard of called Why? To support my teaching hobby.
  10. I am pretty sure I am forgetting something. Like exercise, or healthy eating, or trip to CostCo, or dentist appointment. Oh!
  11. Schedule dentist appointment—add to that eye doctor, haircut, and lobotomy.


  1. Where is this campus visit? Huzzah!

    Sounds so so familiar. We're "baby proofing" as Ro reaches more and more things, but have so far to go. At least the furniture is secured to the wall now (!). He's "all over the room and pulling up," according to his daycare teachers.

    Also: approaching the 1-year anniversary of the last time I've been to the dentist (and let's not even talk about optometrists...). :P

    Also: exercise?? What's that???

  2. Hang in there friend. If there is any power-woman-who-can-handle-anything-including-new-baby, its definitely you (and calgal03)! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
