Thursday, October 4, 2012


Courtesy of Wayne Booth's ideas about Tristram Shandy circa 1952, I just realized that matrimonial advertisements must be discussed as a comic genre with a recognizable set of literary devices. Because every time I present my research on "the mats" (as I call them), people find it quite funny. At VSAWC last spring, an audience member asked if I'd ever worked as a stand-up. Perhaps I should quit my day job. More on this later--my conference paper for Victorians Institute percolates.

Mat's many breakthroughs? In one short period of time she's learned how to say no, and to walk away from me. This coincides with a refusal to nurse--and we were down to once a day, first thing in the morning, combined with major family snuggle time. The last time I nursed her was about a week ago. I miss it. But I can be only a little sad about this: my girl has discovered independence. She is hell bent on being the boss of herself, and I can't blame her. In fact I'll help her. She's mini-me but she's Big-Her.

The usual view of the kid these days...
Good thing that fence was there, or we might have lost her!

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