Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thoughts on Two

This kid eats frozen peas stuck in fresh raspberries. She pretends to apply make-up to her face with a tampon. She gives me "pedicures" while I get ready for work in the morning. Today her new words were "dirt" and "hummus" and she correctly identified the number 8 after pushing that button a gazillion times on my cell phone. She is two.

In this picture, she is sitting on my lap and eating a birthday cupcake at school, surrounded by her beloved friends and teachers (and papa is in the background). She makes life worth living.

Before she was born, I was afraid she wouldn't be. And after she was born, I was afraid I would fail to get my dream job and I'd have to explain to her later why I gave up trying. Neither of these fears came true, and most of my biggest hopes have. I am so blessed to have the constant challenge and opportunity to balance my life with this brave/cautious, grinning/screeching, easily frustrated/simply pleased, mischievous/curious, strong/fragile, hilarious/heart-breaking kid and my life as an English professor teaching college kids who roughly fit the same description.


  1. Love. Love her, and love you. Happy two years to all three of you. I so wish she and Ro could be playmates.

  2. dude, let's go camping! western Virginia awaits us all
