Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Maternity Pants, I can't quit you

"Set against the sweeping landscapes of Seattle and Oxnard, this is an epic love story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between a struggling adjunct professor-turned-mama and swishy pair of charcoal gray Gap maternity pants who meet in the winter of 2011 while navigating the shoals of a difficult pregnancy. They unexpectedly forge an unorthodox yet lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love."

Professor: Maternity Pants, I can't quit you.
Maternity Pants: ...
Professor: Nine months is not enough.
Maternity Pants: ...
Professor: Seriously, it's like every day is Thanksgiving, now that you're in my life.
Maternity Pants: ...
Professor: I mean there was that time I tried to wear my pre-pregnancy slacks again, this morning, and, well, let's just say I'm yours forever, and no one else needs to know.
Maternity Pants: ...


  1. Liebster Blog Award: i have nominated you ;)

    hi there... i don't think i've ever commented on your blog, though i have visited often. Quite often. Though this most recent visit confirms that often stopped a long while back - i have some very serious catching up to do!

    Can i say? your daughter = gorgeous!! I have so much more respect and admiration for you, managing academia and motherhood, than i could ever express. i couldn't manage academia, period. I can't manage motherhood, period. Together? I'd have dropped out of life, long ago.

    This blog award thing is silly, i get that. Which is why i'm notifying all of my nominees with the disclaimer that you don't have to do a single thing. I wasn't sure about the kind of chain-letter aspect, either. But ultimately i decided i just wanted to let a few people know how much i think they - and their blogs, of course - do rock.

    (I had to lock my maternity pants away so i couldn't wear them anymore. Um, the stretch pants don't count though, right? Shhhhh...)

    p.s. this is Emily from homebrewedbaby - can't comment with that identity, had to use my google account.

  2. Emily! Thanks for stopping by and for the blog nomination. I will try to do my duty in that regard next week when I'm swimming in a sea of babysitters at my parents' house.

    BTW I think you are rocking motherhood. Consider all you've been through, and all the boys have been through... They are thriving, and adorable, and you are rocking it.

    I believe we are both infertility and bed rest survivors, eh? Let us congratulate ourselves again.
