Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Red-wrapped Things I Currently Love

I've been so busy this term teaching my two writing classes, revising an article, showing up (online) for a faculty development writers' bootcamp, and caring for the mothersucker that I've not had any time to update this blog. SO: here I show you two things near and dear to my hear that both happen to be wrapped in red. It's a cheap occasion for a blog, I admit, but I'm stretched pretty thin right now. (Ha ha. Insert joke about pregnancy weight here; I'm too tired to make one up).

Seriously, you can expect bigger things over the holiday break. (After all, I know my loyal supporters are wondering if I'll be on the MLA Air Diet this year or not ["Is she back on the market? Is she pregnant? Is it a magical double whammy again??"])

First things first. Those crazy Bridgeport brewers in Oregon made a holiday ale and named it after a Charles Dickens character, God bless them. And it's a REALLY GOOD ALE. The blurb on the box reads:
"There are many things from which good may be derived, yet sorry few from which greatness will appear. So it is in hope, and homage to the wonders of a changed spirit, that we offer our seasonal brew. An appropriately rich and complex Winter Warmer, Ebenezer Ale is a true celebration of the season--rich, malty, and formidable enough to alter the crankiest spirit and temper the nastiest winter chill. Cheers!"
Do you think someone in Marketing actually read A Christmas Carol in order to compose that? Yeah, me neither.

Here is a close-up of the label. Check out Scrooge's grimace. Someone needs a little hair-of-the-dog post-Ghost whisper of a sweet hangover solution.

On to sunnier matters: here's a shot of baby reading a book. We think she's so precocious. Anyone with that large a forehead is clearly already studying differential equations.

After reading, she progresses to eating the book. Because that is what 6-month-olds do. The librarians assure me that it is a book-friendly behavior.

And then shooting me the friendliest "Gotcha!" grin ever. Baby wants a Scrooge Beer.

1 comment:

  1. The boot camp sounds like a wonderful idea for you given all that you have going on! I have long been a fan of Kerry Rockquemore; she's the author of The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure--Without Losing Your Soul which I've found to be a real resource for faculty of color who face so many additional institutional barriers (on the market, of course, and in the first TT job, as I've found and am finding!). Good luck to you at MLA--I know this will be a good MLA season!
